Preserving the Past for the Future since 1972


  • 20,000+ local artifacts

  • 10,000+ local photographs

  • 6 Historic buildings

  • Countless memories, stories, and histories


  • 3 floors of exhibits

  • new exhibits every year

  • telling the story of Geary County

  • Telling the story of you


  • 5,000 annual visitors

  • Hands-on History & STEAM Saturday Programs

  • Tours, traveling trunks, and summer camps

  • Image of the Geary County Historical Society Headquarters

    Main Museum

    530 N. Adams Junction City, Kansas

    The main museum is located in the original high school for Junction City and contains three floors of exhibits, and is open to walk-ins and scheduled tours.

  • Image of Starcke House (Geary County Historical Society)

    Starcke House

    306 W. 5th St., Junction City, Kansas

    The Starcke House is Geary County Historical Society's period house museum, showcasing the lifestyle of Mr. and Mrs. Starcke, who ran a local jewelry store in the early 20th century. Tours are available upon request.

  • Image of St. Joseph's Historic Church (Geary County Historical Society)

    St. Joseph's Historic Church

    Located on Lower McDowell Creek Rd

    St. Joseph’s Historic Church and Cemetery joined the Geary County Historical Society’s Museums in 2008. There is an ongoing renovation project. Interested in helping with the restoration? Email!

  • Spring Valley Historic Site (Geary County Historical Society)

    Spring Valley Historic Site

    721 N. Spring Valley Road

    The Spring Valley School has been restored and is still in use today by teachers bringing their classes out to give students a taste of what school was like in years gone by.

    Besides the school, there is also the pony barn and a period cabin furnished as it would have been back when it was first built. The site also includes Wetzel Cabin.

  • Members of the Geary County Historical Society Research Center Staff

    Research Center

    530 N. Adams St., Junction City, Kansas

    Our Research Center is staffed entirely by volunteers who share their enthusiasm for genealogy and local history with the public four days per week (Tuesdays-Friday). Research requests may be emailed to

Board of Directors

The following people are members of the Geary County Historical Society Board of Directors.  They not only serve on the Board but they also donate their time to various museum activities and events throughout the year.

Florence Whitebread

Linda Barten

Dennis "Buz" Bruzina

Shelly Gunderson

Susan Kamphaus

Margaret Kilpatrick

Mary Kay Munson

Bob Petri

Bill Powers

Cindy Quinlan

Mary Reed

John Strain